The Importance of Smaller Steps

This time of year, especially, can be tempting to try the latest diet or fitness trend.

Before adding complexity or novelty to reach your goals, it might be time to audit the basics.

The things you’ll hear us talk about all the time. The unsexy things that don’t really excite you or sell that well.

  • Drinking enough water (2 litres minimum)

  • Moving every day (daily walk, training)

  • Getting 7-9 hours sleep per night.

  • Aligning your calorie needs with your goal

  • Getting protein at each meal (30-50g/meal)

  • Getting veggies and fruit at each meal

  • Getting fresh air and sunshine (where possible )

  • Taking time to destress

  • Eating meals at a table, chewing and eating slowly

  • Having positive interactions with others

If you can nail 8/9 out of these on a consistent basis, these habits will get you 90% of the way to feeling and looking better and hitting your goals.

The goal should be to have these be second nature and just part of your day.

The fancy distractions will not reap half the rewards of the above

Pick 1. Make it a habit. Move to the next one. Repeat. For the rest of your life.


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