The Happy Coach

Now more than ever, with increased stress levels, the key to staying healthy is having a great coach.

Your coaches at Gusto know life can be hard, and over the last few years we’ve all had our fair share of challenges – due to the COVID-19 pandemic the last few years and now cost of living. We want to put the “happy” back into your day, and we have so many tools to help you do that! 

1. Accountability—Your coach will stay connected to you through regular communication that will keep you on track. We’ll make sure you are doing your workouts but also remind to you to drink water and avoid emotional food binges!

2. Personalisation—There are millions of workouts available online, but our coaches will first establish some achievable personal goals with you, then ensure you are doing the best workouts to reach those goals.

3. Flexibility—In these uncertain times, your priorities might change day by day, and your coach will be attentive and super responsive. They can change your program day to day to reflect your needs just as quickly!

4. Help with new habits and a healthy mindset—Sleeping, up and down nutrition, eating poorly and just feeling down. Your coach will help you build structure into your days by helping you set a routine that works for you, providing task lists and planning tools, and supplying mindset work for mental health. We check in on you regularly to help establish these new habits for a healthy lifestyle.

5. Social connection—We are social beings, and being happy means staying connected! Along with regular communication about your physical fitness, our community of likeminded individuals will help you on your journey to improved health, fitness, confidence and happiness!

Need our help? Get started with a 10-15 minute chat today by dropping a message to


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The Benefits of Training 3 Times a Week


The Real Path to Success